Circus Angelicus | Gallery | Transcript |
Clown: Look kid. It's just an act. Under this freak show, I'm a regular guy. Just like your dad.
Didi: Maybe we better go
Angelica: Why do I have to go? I wasn't crying.
Ringmaster: Sorry, folks, no refunds.
Didi: I'm glad we left. I'd forgotten how unsanitary circuses are.
Stu: Come on, Deed. Circuses are an American institution. They're part of growing up. Kids love the circus.
Chuckie: I hate the circus.
Tommy: Chuckie, it's all over now.
Chuckie: Hey. Thanks for bailing me all back there, Tommy. I felt really stupid crying all by myself.
Tommy: Don't mention it.
Angelica: It's not fair. We didn't get to see any of the good stuff all because those babies started crying.
Drew: Angel, you got to see a lot of good stuff. Remember that big scary lion.
Angelica: That dumb old lion didn't even have any teeth.
Drew: And you got cotton candy and popcorn. And Daddy even bought you that nice stuff turtle he was screaming for.
Angelica: Stupid turtle. It doesn't even do anything.
Drew: What do you expect for $16.95.
Angelica: The whole circus was dumb.
Drew: Not now, cupcake, I suppose if you have the circus, you can do everything your way.
Angelica: If I ran the circus. Hmm.
Angelica: Everybody, stand on your heads. On your heads! (Everybody stands on their heads, but now Chuckie is fallen down) Chuckie!
Chuckie: I'm trying, I'm trying!
Angelica: I'm a human candyball