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Chuckie is Rich | Gallery | Transcript |
Pat Sajak: (Pat and driver arrive at Chas's drive) Isn't this great? We're about to make this guy's dreams come true.
Driver: Yeah, yeah yeah.
Chas: (having breakfast with Chuckie) I dunno Chuckie, we won't be able to visit grandma and grandpa this summer, things are not doing well in daddy's office. (doorbell rings) Oh great, it hope it's not more bill collectors?
(Chas opened the door where Pat Sajak stood smiling with the giant cheque for Ten Million Dollars)
Pat Sajak: Are you Charles Finster? (Chas gasps and nods) Do you know who I am?
Chas: P-p-puh-puh-puh...
Pat Sajak: That's right, I'm TV personality, Pat Sajak. Do you have any idea why I should be here at your home, 446 Braintree Lane? (Chas shakes no) (shouting): BECAUSE YOU JUST WON TEN MILLION DOLLARS!!!
Chas: (gasps) T-t-t-t-te-te...
Pat Sajak: That's right! Ten million dollars! You're the winner of the American Dunderhead Sweepstakes. (Chas faints)
Stu: (sarcastically mocking Chas) "I may not know art, but I know what I like." Who's he kidding?
Didi: Now, Stu, you didn't give him a chance. You were quick to judge him the moment we arrived.
Stu: He's changed, Didi. That’s all there is to it!
(In the back seat of the car, Tommy nods in agreement)
Rich Kid 1: (Asking his friend while boarding the elevator for the slide) Oh, should we ask the new kid to play?
Rich Kid 2: (Looking at Chuckie who is all alone and unhappy) Finster? No, he's not really our type. (whispering) New money you know. Very common.
(The elevator takes the two kids up the slide while Chuckie sat looking out through the fence of the daycare playground.)
(Later, at Chas's mansion)
Drew: Charles, we need to talk.
Chas: Of course, Drew, of course. Here, have some more caviar.
Drew: Thanks, but I had enough. Charles, it's about the Ear Whizz.
Chas: Drew, I'm tired of talking about...
Drew: Charles, listen to me!
(As Drew and Chas were talking, Angelica tries a sample of the caviar, then covers her mouth is disgust and runs off smiling to find somewhere to spit it out)
Chas: Now what do you say how about we play the quick game of Tennis and take a quick dip and-
Drew: Chas! There's been a slight financial reversal.
Chas: Reversal?
Drew: It turns out that the Ear Whizz actually increases waxy build-up in the ear canal, the company... well.. it kind of went bankrupt.
Chas: Drew, how much of my money did you put to this cockamamie Ear Whizz thing?
Drew: About half.
Chas: WHAT?!
Drew: Just kidding, just kidding. (Chas sighs in relief) Actually, nearly all of it. (Chas reacts to this by stammering) It seemed like a good idea at the time.
(Chas undoes his cravat and passes out)
(In the corridor, Angelica spits the caviar into a plant)
Chuckie: Hey, Angelica, you wanna play ball?
Angelica: With you? Ha! Wake up and smell the oatmeal, Chuckie! You're not rich anymore!
Chuckie: I'm not?
Angelica: Nope. Didn't you hear what my daddy said, the money's all gone, ride's over. Finito, kaput.
Chuckie: Wow.
Angelica: Here, want some caviar?
(She shows him the sample of caviar on the spoon. Back in the living room where Drew is talking to Chas, who is now having a meltdown)
Drew: If you gonna keep everything at all, you got to act fast! First of all, this house, all this stuff, you got to have to get rid of it right away.
Chas: (pinching his chest) This isn’t happening. Why can't I wake up!
(Jenkins the butler walks by with his suitcase. He stops and looks at Chas, before he walks away. Back to Angelica and Chuckie in the corridor.)
Angelica: So anyway, you gonna have to move out of the house and you'll have to leave that fancy-pants daycare center. And you know what else? All of your new toys have to go back to the store.
Chuckie: Wow.
(Back in the living room where a panicked Chas rushes to the glass elephant)
Chas: Not my Elephant! I never give up my Glass Elephant! I know! I'll call Pat Sajak! He’ll know what to do!
Drew: Chas! Pull yourself together! It's over!
(Back at Chas's old house where the caption "Three hours later" fades in. Stu and Tommy are at the door and rung the doorbell. Chas, back in his normal clothes, answers the door)
Chas: Stu!
Stu: Hiya, neighbour.
Chas: (As Stu puts Tommy down so he can play with Chuckie) Listen, Stu. I'm sorry I acted like such a jerk when I was rich.
Stu: Hey, hey. I'm the one who had the problem handling it. I guess maybe I was jealous. So your money's all gone, huh?
Chas: Oh, not all of it. There's enough left to fix the roof, at least. And I did get to keep the glass elephant.
(The glass elephant is shown in the center of the room. Tommy walks over to Chuckie)
Chuckie: Tommy?
Tommy: Hi, Chuckie. Uh, Chuckie, I'm sorry you're not rich anymore.
Chuckie: Aw, don't be. Being rich isn't all that great.
Tommy: Aren't ya gonna miss that big house and all the toys and that swimming pool full of ice cream?
Chuckie: Nah, not as much as I miss being regular old Chuckie.
Tommy: It's good to have you back.
(He and Chuckie hug)
Stu: (off-screen) Boy, it is a nice elephant, Chas. (Then, a loud glass shattering sound is heard as Chuckie and Tommy wince, followed by Chas screaming like a girl) (blankly): Oops.