Rugrats Wiki
Chuckie Grows Gallery Transcript

(The scene opens with a golden object in a shape of a carrot, which turns out to be a 1st prize trophy, the plaque reads, "Best 'Edible Root', 1951 County Fair", the Rugrats are heard babbling, Phil and Lil give Tommy a leg-up as Chuckie watches)

Tommy: I think it's the shiniest spinny toy in the whole world!

Lil: (strains): I think it's full of candy.

Phil: (strains): Well, I think it's a rocket ship.

Chuckie: (climbs up and reaches): I think... I think... (the babies fall over, groans): I think it doesn't matter what it is, 'cause we're never going to be able to reach it anyway.

Grandpa Lou: Will you give me back my conflab newspapers?

Stu: (carries a stack of newspapers): I'm recycling them, pop! (stacks them near the bureau where the trophy is): You can't just let them pile them in your room like that.

Grandpa Lou: For your information, I've been saving the gardening sections for a year now. I figured I've gathered up just about every technique there is for growing giant vegetables.

Stu: Oh, no, not the county fair thing again.

Grandpa Lou: Yep (takes his trophy): This year, Lou Pickles is going to grow the biggest crook-necked squash this county has ever seen! (he and Stu leave, takes a newspaper): C'mon out. I'll show you how an expert makes something grow.

(The four babies listen to this)

Tommy: Hey, you guys! I got a idea! If grandpa can make his crooked "squatch" big, maybe we can make one of us big enough to reach the spinny toy!

Chuckie: (solemnly): I don't know, Tommy. Maybe we should just wait till we're "growed" up, and then we'll be big enough to reach it without having to stand on Phil's head.

Phil: Well, I kinda like that part.

Tommy: Wait till we're "growned" up?! That's going to take a "gabazillion" years! Who knows is the spinny toy will even still be up there! (looks at the trophy)

Lil: So, who are we gonna grow, Tommy?

Tommy: Hmm... Chuckie!

Chuckie: ME?! Wh--why me?

Tommy: (grabs Chuckie by the hand and takes him to the bureau): Well, 'cause you're already the closest to the sky. Okay, I figure when Chuckie's tall enough to see over these papers, we'll be able to reach that spinny toy. And all's we got to do is grow him the same way my grandpa grows his crooked "squatch". C'mon!

(The scene cuts to the backyard, we see Grandpa Lou watering his gigantic squash fenced around, Chuckie gasps as the babies dump a whole thing of water on him with a watering can, Grandpa Lou spreads fertilizer on his squash, the babies then throw and sprinkle sand on Chuckie from the sandbox, scene cuts to the front door, the doorbell buzzes, Stu answers the door)

Angelica: Hi, Uncle Stu!

Stu: Hi, Angelica. Hey, bro, whatcha got?

Drew: (holds Angelica's toy): Oh, it's Angelica's Cappuccino Café for Cynthia. The espresso machines on the fritz. (takes the espresso machine and presses on the button making the espresso squirt)

Stu: (chuckles): Hey, no problem! Let's bring it downstairs and have a looksee. The kids are out back, Angelica. I'm sure they'll be excited to see you.

(Angelica heads outside, scene switches to the four Rugrats in the backyard, Chuckie brushes the sand off him)

Lil: He doesn't look any bigger.

Phil: I think the dirt in his hair made him a little taller.

Angelica: (comes up to them): What are you babies doing'? Playing hide-and-seek in a gopher hole?

Tommy: We're trying' to make Chuckie bigger.

Angelica: That's the dumbest thing I ever heard! You can't make him bigger. He's always going to be a just little, shrimpy baby. (giggles)

Grandpa Lou: (sees Chuckie a complete mess): Chuckie! How in tarnation d'you get so dirty? (picks him up): Let's get ya outta those wet clothes before you get a chill.

(Grandpa Lou runs Chuckie back in the house, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou throwing Chuckie's clothes in the washing machine and pouring a whole box of soap flakes and starts the washing machine, which rumbles, scene cuts to Chuckie in a sheet as the three babies tug on it until they stop, Chuckie sighs sadly, scene cuts to the washing machine bubbling up with too much soap as it leaks out water, Grandpa Lou comes back in and sees this)

Grandpa Lou: (gasps): Hmm... Musta used a little too much soap. (Grandpa Lou takes Chuckie's wet clothes and scrunches the water out and throws them into the dryer, pushes the button what is said): Extra hot. That should do it. (the dryer goes, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou dressing up Chuckie, whose shirt is now shrunk) I swear, you kids are getting' bigger by the minute. There we go. Now, you sprouts stay out of trouble while I finish cleaning up that laundry room. (leaves)

Lil: (notices the shrunk shirt on Chuckie): You look funny.

Tommy: Yeah, Chuckie. You look like you're all squished up inside your clothes.

Chuckie: (sighs in disappointment): They fitted me okay this morning. (tugs on his shrunken shirt)

Tommy: Hey! If Chuckie's clothed fitted him this morning, but now they're too small for him, it means we made Chuckie BIG!

(Chuckie, Phil and Lil cheer happily, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou entering the living where his newspapers are stacked)

Grandpa Lou: (takes a couple stacks): This should soak up the rest of that soap and water.

(As Grandpa Lou leaves, the babies enter the room and Chuckie gasps seeing the newspapers)

Tommy: See, Chuckie? Now you're bigger than the whole pile of papers!

Chuckie: Wow! (he climbs up the bureau where the trophy is and takes it down, Lil takes it and tries to bite on it, Phil then takes it and tosses it, Tommy takes it and stands it back up)

Angelica: (comes in): So! How's it going there, big Chuckie?

Tommy: It worked, Angelica! We made Chuckie grow big!

Angelica: (comes up with an idea): Hmm... Yeah! (looks at Chuckie): I guess you do look bigger! In fact... (gasps): I think you've got a case of... Giantitis!

Chuckie: (fearfully): GIANTITIS?!

Angelica: Yep! And you know what that means, don't ya. (Chuckie shakes his head not wanting to know) Well, you'll just keep getting bigger... (Chuckie backs away from her) ...and bigger and bigger. And pretty soon, you won't be able to ride your bike or wear your shoes, OR EVEN FIT INSIDE YOUR HOUSE ANYMORE!!

Chuckie: But... But I don't want to get that big! (gets up)

Angelica: Too late, Chuckie. I bet you're going to be the biggest giant baby on the whole wide world! (Tommy, Phil and Lil gasp in horror) You babies better watch out, or he might squish ya! (leaves giggling)

Chuckie: (gasps, goes horrified): GIANT BABY?! GIANT BABY?! (desperately holds Tommy): Tommy, I don't want to be a giant baby!

Tommy: Um, well, uh, maybe it won't be so bad. Um, being a giant could be fun!

(Chuckie smiles in relief)

Phil: Yeah! (somehow thinks about it): Unless you hit your head on a airplane.

(Chuckie then goes afraid)

Lil: Or birdies fly up your nose. (sticks her finger up her nose)

Chuckie: (goes very worried): Oh! I knowed we shoulda just waited 'til I'm "growed" up! Now what am I going to do?

Tommy: (comforts him): Chuckie, we're the one who made you big. Uh, so, we'll just have to find a way to make you regular-sized again.

Chuckie: (sadly): Thanks, Tommy. (sighs): Now, you guys go. I think I better stay here to make sure I don't squish nothing.

Tommy: Oh... Okay, Chuckie. C'mon guys.

(As the three babies leave, we see Cynthia sitting at her toy café, Angelica is cutting something with scissors and has a tube of glue)

Angelica: (laughs evilly): Ha-ha-ha-ha! Cynthia, you and me are going to have a little fun with a big, dumb baby.

(Angelica is cutting out her face on a picture of her and her parents, she then puts glue on the back and takes Cynthia and pastes her face behind Cynthia's then does Cynthia's hair like Angelica's)

Chuckie: (off-screen): Well, maybe I'm a little bit bigger. (Angelica hears this and quickly takes everything out before Chuckie could see them leaving only a couple of cut scraps) But I--I'm--I'm not a giant baby. I'm sure it's just my imagination. (stands over noticing the café): But... that table sure looks really teeny. And those chairs sure look small! AND THAT... (gasps in horror): OH, NO, I AM TURNING INTO A GIANT!!! (runs off): Help me guys!

(Chuckie runs into the back of a sofa and falls back with a crash onto Cynthia and the café, Angelica sees this as Chuckie feels his head)

Angelica: (teasingly): OH, NO, CHUCKIE! YOU SQUASHED ME!!

(Chuckie gets up and sees the Cynthia doll with Angelica's face pasted on and gasps in horror as glue oozes out from behind)

Chuckie: Angelica?! (gasps in horror): WHAT HAVE I DONE! (runs off): AH! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!

Angelica: (laughs wickedly): Ha-ha-ha!

Chuckie: (runs to the three babies): Guys! Guys, help! (pants and trips): Help, you guys! I squished Angelica!

(Phil helps him back up)

Tommy: You didn't squish her on purpose, Chuckie.

Phil: (consoles him): And even if ya did... that's okay.

Tommy: Don't worry, Chuckie! We'll find a way to make you regular-sized again!

Chuckie: (walks out to the patio and sits down, sadly): Oh...

Angelica: (watches him, laughs evilly): Ha-ha-ha! If squishing me scared Chuckie, wait till he thinks he squished all the grownups! (holds a sky-blue teddy bear with Chas's face pasted on)

(As Angelica continues her evil plan, the screen shows what she did as a picture of Stu and Didi with their faces cut out is shown, scene cuts to the three babies in the kitchen, Tommy holds up a yellow pail filling it witch ice from the ice machine with the twins helping him reach)

Lil: What's the ice going to do, Tommy?

Tommy: Well, one time I had a really big boo-boo on my leg, and my mommy put ice on it, and it got smaller. I bet it'll work on Chuckie, too!

(scene cuts to Chuckie sadly dragging a stick on the grass as Angelica sneaks up on him with three dolls of the Pickles' faces pasted on them and places them near Chuckie, little does she know, the three babies come out holding a pail full of ice, Stu and Drew come back in the living room, the espresso machine is now fixed, the two brothers stop and gasp seeing most of the pictures' faces cut out from Angelica's devious plan)

Drew: What the...? (yells at the top of his lungs): KIDS!!!!!!

(the babies and Angelica hear him as the three babies' startled reaction causes them to toss the pail of ice into the air and right into Angelica's head and pouring down at her clothes)

Angelica: (screaming): AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! (as the ice runs down her clothes, Angelica screams frantically and takes the pail out and rams Chuckie down into a puddle of water on the grass near a hose, screams and runs around frantically): AH! OOH! OOH! EEE! AH! There's ice in my pants! (she runs at the squash and steps all over it until it becomes totally ruined) I'm freezing! I'm cold! I'm freezing! There's ice in my pants! Ice cold! I'm freezing! (stops then furiously stomps towards the babies): That's it, you babies! You're in even bigger trouble now! (the babies try helping Chuckie up but rips his shirt right off, the three babies back away from her) Pour ice on ME, will ya! Well, I'm gonna--

Grandpa Lou: (comes out with newspapers): What in tarnation is going on--? (gasps in horror seeing the remains of his squash): MY SQUASH!!

Angelica: (looks down at her legs) Uh-oh. (Angelica's legs are covered in squash)

(Stu and Drew coming running out towards Lou)

Stu: Pop, what happened?!

(Lou walks sadly back into the house, Stu follows him, Drew stays outside)

Grandpa Lou: Well, looks like I'm never going to get another trophy. (looks at his trophy)

(Drew looks at Lou's destroyed squash and turns to see Angelica desperately cleaning herself off as the three babies help Chuckie up off the puddle)

Drew: (sternly): Angelica...

(Angelica chuckles nervously and smiles and waves at Drew)

Grandpa Lou: Yep, sad thing when a man's glory days are behind. (drops the newspapers, notices something on the cover): Wait just a gourd-picking' second! There might be a way to recycle that squash into something even better!

(Close-up of the magazine Lou notices, the cover reads, "Supplement Rhubarb: The Forgotten Pie", scene cuts back to Angelica desperately cleaning herself off as the squash is now off of her)

Drew: (walks up to Angelica, puts his hands on his hips) I assume you had something to do with this, young lady.

Angelica: (looks up to him, whines): But, daddy, it wasn't my fault! The babies made me do it!

Drew: (in disbelief): Oh. And I suppose you're going to tell me the babies made you do THIS, too! (shows the picture of Stu and Didi with their faces cut out in Angelica's face, Angelica smiles nervously) There'll be no more cappuccino for Cynthia, unless you march right in there and find a way to make this up to your grandfather!

Angelica: (guiltily): Yes, daddy.

(Angelica hangs her head in shame as Drew leads her into the house, scene cuts to Chuckie walking back in the living room with the three other babies follow, Tommy stops in amazement causing the twins to bump into him)

Tommy: Chuckie, stop! You guys, look!

Chuckie: (sees the stack of newspapers, happily): Oh, my gosh! The papers! The growing musta wore off! I'm little again!

Tommy: (cheers with Phil and Lil): Yay! Chuckie's small again, yay!

(scene cuts to the kitchen)

Stu: (sniffs): Mmm, that smells good! What are you making this time, pop?

Grandpa Lou: (cooks something in a frying pan): Crook-neck squash casserole. You know? Since I won that for my crook-neck squash pie, I've been thinking I might do me a whole book of recipes! (takes the pan, to Angelica): Ready to try the casserole, sweetie? (gives the whole casserole to Angelica)

Angelica: (in disgust): Yes, Grandpa. (digs her spoon in)

(scene cuts to the living room, the babies see a trophy of a pie next to the other trophy)

Tommy: Wow! That sure is a shiny new toy my grandpa got!

Lil: It's not a toy; it's a giant cupcake.

Phil: It's not a cupcake, Lillian; it's a flying sausage.

Chuckie: (laughs): Well, I guess we'll just have to wait till we growed up to find out. Ha-ha! Right, guys? (the three babies look at Chuckie then smile at each other on another idea, they then smile at Chuckie, goes afraid): Uh... uh, guys? GUYS?!

(Episode ends)
