Rugrats Wiki
Chuckie's Red Hair Gallery Transcript

Angelica: What's the matter Chuckie? Feeling bad coz you're different huh? You know Chuckie, everything in the world is different for a reason.

Chuckie: Really?

Angelica: Sure. The giraffe has a tall neck so it can eat leaves off tall trees. The polar bear has white fur so he'll match the snow. The elephant is really really big, so he can smash things with his feet. And there's a very good reason you have red hair.

Chuckie: What's that, Angelica?

Angelica: Coz you're a FREAK.

(Singing and skipping)

Chuckie is a freak! Chuckie is a freak!

Chuckie: Hey wait you guys!

Phil: Who said that?

Chuckie: Me Chuckie, over here

Phil: You're not Chuckie

Chuckie: Sure I am!

Lil: No you're not. Chuckie has red hair.

Chuckie: Not anymore, now I got BLACK hair!

(Phil and Lil look at each other accusingly)

Phil: I don't know Lil, what do you think?

Lil: I don't know, he sounds like Chuckie.

Chuckie: I AM Chuckie, you guys!

Tommy: it's true. Chuckie and me made his hair black!

(Lil knocks on Chuckie's black hair and it makes a hollow bumping sound)

Lil: Wow.

Phil: Why didn't you say anything before Tommy?

Tommy: I don't know, I guess I just forgot he was here.

Chuckie: Isn't it great? Now that I got black hair, no-one notices me.

Chuckie: Without my red hair I'm just another face in the cloud. Sure, maybe my red hair wasn't perfect, but it was my red hair. Now it's gone, I don't even feel like Chuckie no more.
