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Season 6 Episode 28a
Chuckie's New Shirt
Original Airdate January 11, 2000
DVD release Season 6
Previous Episode Pee-Wee Scouts
Next Episode Cavebabies

Chuckie's New Shirt is a Season 6 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present


Chuckie rips his shirt while playing ball, and Chas goes off to buy him a new one. Soon, he begins to wear the shirts his dad has picked out, but doesn't feel like himself. Because of this, Chuckie tells the Rugrats to call him "Ralph" and begins to assume a new identity. Will Chuckie/Ralph find a new shirt he likes as much as his old one and go back to normal? - Description from Klasky Csupo


  • Chas enters his companies annual bake-off with Minka's chocolate cake recipe (secret ingredient: a cup of potatoes mashed with a shoe). Will he win the grand prize---a years supply of air fresheners?


Chuckie: Gosh I had lots of good times in my old the time I ate eleventy poplickles in one day!

