Changes for Chuckie | Gallery | Transcript |
(The episode begins with a bird and scrolls down to Chuckie, playing hide and seek)
Chuckie: Here I am!
Tommy: Huh? Chuckie! You're 'upposed to wait until I finded you!
Chuckie: Oh, yeah, (hic) I forgetted again.
(Kimi giggles and rolls out of the hedges)
Kimi: Here I am!
Tommy: Uh, let's play something else.
(Didi and Kira appear)
(Chuckie gasps)
Chuckie: Uh-oh.
Tommy: What's wrong, Chuckie?
Chuckie: She's gonna do it again.
Tommy: What?
Chuckie: She's gonna smush down my hairs again! I just know it!
(Didi and Kira walk to the infants as Kimi gets up and walks up to her mother, giggling)
Kira: Hi, Kimi. Hi, Chuckie.
(Kira squishes down Chuckie's hair as mentioned)
Kira: Ready to go?
Chuckie: D-! Ooh!
(Kimi grabs Chuckie's hand and they walk away.)
Kira: (sighs)
Didi: Is everything okay with Chuckie?
Kira: I don't know, Didi. I just feel like we're not connecting.
Didi: Maybe Lipschitz can help. I'll call the 1-800 number and see if they can recommend a book.
(Cut to Chuckie and Kimi's house, where they see spaghetti and meatballs with sauce.)
Chuckie: Kimi, what is this stuff?
Kimi: It's meatyballs. My mommy says they're her special tea. Uh, only they're made of meat and you don't drink 'em.
Chuckie: I've never eated nothing like that afore.
(Kira puts the meatballs on the spaghetti)
(Kimi eats her meatball)
(Chuckie tries to eat his meatball but he sneezes and drops his meatball)
Kira: That was quite a sneeze. I'll get a tissue for you, honey.
Chuckie: These meatyballs are so big, and the sauce gets in my nose, and it giveses me the sneezies!
Kimi: They don't give me the sneezies, and I eats them all the time.
(Kira gets the tissue and blows Chuckie's nose)
(Fifi picks up the meatball and eats it and drops it)
Kira: Fifi! That's people food. Not doggy food! Come on, girl.
(They walk away)
Chuckie: Kimi, how am I 'upposed to blow my nose on a wigglin' tissue?
Kimi: Mommy always holds my tissue. I like it.
Chuckie: Well, I don't.
(He blows his nose on his shirt multiple times)
(Cut to Chuckie and Kimi's room. Kimi is in her crib, playing with Superthing)
Kimi: Fly, Superthing! The superest thing of all things! Fly, and save Planet Earth!
(Chuckie walks in sadly with his Wawa)
Kimi: What's the matter, Chuckie?
Chuckie: I don't like these new jammies. My feets is trapped.
Kimi: But they keep your toesies warm.
Chuckie: Look! I can't even wiggle my toes around! My jammies gots feets and then, my meatyballs are sneezy. Oh, gosh! Nothing is the same since I gots a new mommy.
(Kira enters and squishes down Chuckie's hair again.)
Kira: Time for beddy bye.
(Kira kisses Kimi)
Kira: Good night, sweetie.
Kimi: (sighs happily)
(Kimi rolls over in her crib and falls asleep. Kira tucks Chuckie in, takes off his glasses and kisses him, too)
Kira: Sweet dreams, Chuckie.
(She turns off the lights and closes the door)
Chuckie: Wawa, you look like you needs a hug.
(He tries to reach him, but he's trapped under the blanket. He babbles as he wriggles, trying to get out.)
Chuckie: Now my bed gots too snuggly.
(He finally grabs him)
Chuckie: Don't worry, Wawa. At least we still gots each other, and that's never ever gonna change.
(The door buzzer buzzes. Didi has shown up with a Lipschitz book)
Kira: Didi! What a surprise!
Didi: I brought you a little present. Lipschtiz recommends this book. "Step Up to Step-Parenting".
Kira: Oh, that's great! Come on in!
Didi: Thanks, but I'd better get back. Stu's robotic salad spinner's already broken two windows.
(Kira closes the door and reads)
Kira: Chapter 1: Make Your New Child Feel Welcome By Performing Thoughtful Gestures.
(She thinks for a moment)
(Cut to the kids room)
(Kira heads to Chuckie's bed and takes away his Wawa)
Kira: Aw, look at this old thing. Somebody needs a makeover.
(The next morning, a bird outside the window is chirping and flies off a branch. Chuckie is tossing and turning, muttering in his sleep.)
Chuckie: Meatyballs...feets...smushy hairs...
(Kimi stretches and yawns, and wakes up.)
Chuckie: chair!
(Chuckie wakes up with a start, and yells.)
Chuckie: Oh, Wawa, it was just a dream.
(He reaches for Wawa, which is not there.)
Chuckie: Wawa?
(He puts on his glasses and, panicking, pushes and pulls things aside on the bed, looking for Wawa.)
Chuckie: Oh, no!
(Kimi goes to the side of her crib and looks at Chuckie)
Kimi: What's the matter, Chuckie?
Chuckie: My Wawa's gone!
Kimi: Maybe he's eatin' his cereal already.
Chuckie: No, he's a bear. He can't eat cereal! He musta "runnded" away, 'cause everything is different and he don't like it!
Kimi: Don't worry, Chuckie. He'll come back.
Chuckie: Kimi, Wawa is a toy! Toys don't never find their ways back! (sniffles)
(Kira comes in)
Kira: Good morning! Ready for breakfast?
(She picks up Kimi and, smoothing down Chuckie's hair again, grabs his hand and they walk to the dining room/kitchen)
Kira: Look, you guys! We have company.
(Tommy and Dil are seated at the table. Didi brings a bowl of cereal to the table and she is holding a spatula in one hand.)
Didi: Blueberry pancakes, coming right up.
(She and Kira leave)
Chuckie: (sighs) Hi, Tommy. (He looks miserable)
Tommy: What's wrong, Chuckie?
Kimi: He don't know where Wawa is.
Chuckie: I do, too. He runnded away.
Tommy: How come?
Chuckie: 'Cause, the bed is too snuggly and the meatyballs is too big. Nothin' is the same now that Wawa and me gots a new mommy.
Tommy: Just 'cause stuff's changin' don't mean Wawa runned away.
Chuckie: Are you sure?
Tommy: Yeah! When I gots Dil, lots of stuff changed for me, too, but now, everything's all better.
(Dil throws a few of his cereal, making some land in Tommy's hair)
Tommy: (annoyed) Dilly!
(Dil laughs)
Chuckie: Oh, Wawa! Where are you?!
(We see Wawa in the washing machine, getting spun around with clothing. Chuckie, Tommy and Kimi run right by the washing machine and into another room.)
(The washer machine stops and beeps)
(In the living room)
Kira: Oh, that must be the washer. I'm working on a little surprise for Chuckie. Oh, wait till he sees it!
(She's rushes off to the machine)
(The babies search for Wawa. Tommy looks under Chuckie's bed.)
Tommy: Nope, not under here.
Chuckie: And he's not in the toy box, neither.
Kimi: I bets I know where he is.
Chuckie: You do?!
Kimi: Yeah! In here!
(She looks in a toy car)
Kimi: Sorry. Guess not. Good thing I don't bets a lot.
(Chuckie feels around in the laundry basket)
Chuckie: (gasps excitedly) I found something soft! And warm! Wawa?!
(Fifi pops out of the laundry and licks Chuckie's face)
Chuckie: Fifi!
(Fifi jumps out of the laundry basket and runs off)
Chuckie: (sighs)
(In the bathroom, Kimi looks through a toilet paper tube at Tommy, who checks the toilet.)
(Chuckie pulls aside the shower curtain and looks in the bathtub)
Kimi: Maybe Wawa's back already! I betchya... I mean, he's probably watching TV!
Kira: (offscreen) Kids, lunchtime!
(As they pass the washing machine, Chuckie looks inside and then follows his sister and friend.
(At the table)
(Dil is drinking from his bottle and eventually, he accidentally spits it on Didi)
Dil: (laughing)
(Didi walks away and so does Kira)
Kira: Be right back.
(Chuckie, Tommy and Kimi all have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch)
Chuckie: What's this brown stuff?
Kimi: It's the crusties!
Tommy: Yeah! It keeps all the good things inside the sandwiches!
(Tommy and Kimi eat their sandwiches)
Tommy and Kimi: Mmmmm...
Kimi: Yum!
Chuckie: But I never had crusties... never afore.
Kimi: (eats her sandwich again): Mmmm...! Try it! There's a gazillion things you never had afore! Eat the crusties, and then you'll only have a mazillion left!
(Chuckie eats it and spits it out and taking the crusts off)
Kira: Chuckie, I've been working on a little surprise for you. Ta-dahhh!
(She shows Chuckie Wawa, who is dressed up in a vest and bow tie, and has new eyes, with pupils.)
(Chuckie stares at Wawa in horror.)
Chuckie: (screams) No!
(He throws Wawa across the table, where Dil reaches for the bear, and runs off)
Chuckie: Wawa! (wailing)
Kira: Chuckie, I just wa-
(Didi is holding Dil, who is holding Wawa. He sucks and pulls on one of Wawa's ears with his mouth.
(In his room, Chuckie is sobbing on his bed.)
Chuckie: Wawa is different. He's different all over! (sniffles and crys)
(Kira walks in)
Kira: Hi, Chuckie. Well, I guess washing Wawa wasn't the best idea. You know there is still a lot about you I don't know yet. Like your favorite sandwiches or your favorite games or the songs or stories you like. Those things may take a while. What I do know, is I love you very much. I hope that will do till I get the other things sorted out.
(Chuckie hugs Kira)
(They laugh and Kira kisses Chuckie's head)
(Outside, Kimi is playing with her car and Chuckie is bouncing a globe ball)
(Kira comes in)
Kira: Chuckie! Good news! Dil got a hold of Wawa, and look!
(Wawa is missing an eye, and has an ear and arm almost torn off, almost resembling how he was before.)
Chuckie: (Shouts out excitedly and giggles.)
(Chuckie hugs Wawa)
Kira: You two have fun, now!
(She walks away, but Chuckie walks up to and hugs her)
Kira: What is it, Chuckie?
(She giggles)
Kira: You!
(She hugs Chuckie and then he walks off back to Kimi. Kira watches for a moment and then walks away.)
Chuckie (to Kimi): She knows I like him messy. Still workin' on the tissue wigglin'. But you can't 'spect a grownup to be perfect.
(Chuckie and Kimi play and laugh, ending the episode)