Cat Got Your Tongue? | Gallery | Transcript |
"Cat Got Your Tongue?" is a Season 7 episode of Rugrats.
Characters Present[]
Charlotte is hosting a very fancy party to celebrate a hostile takeover. There is shrimp, quail eggs and an ice sculpture. There are many people at the house: Angelica (who is welcoming guests), Betty, Grandpa Lou and Drew (who are all talking and eating snacks), Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Kimi (who are all under the table, eating), Lulu (who is putting pepper on Howard's salad), Howard (who is eating the salad), Dil (who is in his stroller), Stu, Lucy, Randy and Didi. Fluffy is also present (she is in Angelica's arms). As Lulu puts the pepper on Howard's salad, she tells him to "say when" to stop, but Howard doesn't. Betty says that Howard has lost his voice and can't "say when", much to the dismay of Phil, who tells the others.
They don't want him to be unable to talk or sing, so they look in the bathroom for the voice. Phil tries looking at the "voice box" (an answering machine), but Chuckie doesn't know how to get it out. Lil presses a button and Jonathan's voice comes out. They search the study. Lil points out she doesn't know what a voice looks like. Then Kimi claims she has found it in the stereo but accidentally disconnects it. Angelica puts it back, while Lulu says to Howard, "Cat got your tongue?". The babies think Fluffy stole Howard's tongue. Angelica claims cats do steal things and Fluffy will eat Howard's tongue. They go to Fluffy's cat castle which Lil and Chuckie are scared of. Phil and Lil go in and say that if they are not back in eleventy days, then Tommy, Chuckie and Kimi can have their lint collection. Phil picks up Fluffy's toy mouse. Fluffy meows and jumps down. Phil and Lil keep trying to get Howard's tongue but fail so they go on and try to talk to Fluffy, but Angelica stops them. Angelica tells Fluffy that she will be getting "tongue casserole" for dinner and tells the babies that tongue casserole is Fluffy's favorite meal. Lil is sad because if Howard can't speak, he won't be able to sing her and Phil's favorite lullaby. Phil assures her that they will get the tongue back so Howard can sing to them.
Lulu tells Grandpa Lou that he won't be hungry for dinner if he continues eating hors d'oeuvres. This inspires the babies to feed Fluffy so she will be too full to eat Howard's tongue. Charlotte says that dinner will soon be served, and Angelica tells the babies it will be dinnertime for Fluffy, too. The babies get lots of snacks. Angelica and Fluffy are watching TV and the babies entice Fluffy away and feed her snacks. Fluffy goes after an hors d'oeuvre that kind of resembles a tongue. The babies try to get the "tongue" back. In ends up flying around, into the potted plant, the floor and Didi's hair. It lands on Howard's plate, and he ends up eating it. He chokes and spits it out, and suddenly, he can talk again. Angelica picks Fluffy up, just before the cat is able to eat the "tongue" that is now lying on the carpet. Howard sings Phil and Lil their favorite lullaby.
- It is never revealed why Howard lost his voice.
- Chas and Kira are strangely absent from the party even though Chuckie and Kimi are there.
The gallery for this episode can be found here