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Buster Franklin Carmichael is the older brother of Edwin Carmichael and the oldest cousin of Susie and the eldest son of Susie's paturnal aunt Carmichael. He enjoys playing Soccer along with having interests in Click N' Pops along with Final Eclipse thanks to his uncle, Randy. He appears as a minor character in Nickelodeon's 2021 animated TV series Rugrats when he visits Susie, Randy, and Lucy with his brother in the episode Baby Talk.


Buster is Randy and Lucy's 8-year-old nephew who arrives at the Pickles' household with Randy for a visit. He is seen as a very active and outgoing kid as he claims he's almost as tall as Lucy. He also has taken interest in putting together Click N' Pops, bringing along a Final Eclipse themed set with him for the visit to put together. While he can't understand Susie, he is happy to see her and greets her when Lucy suggested they'd say hello. Buster mostly gets along with his brother, however as most siblings do, he does seem to try and keep him out of his activities. While building with the Click N' Pops as he sends Edwin over to the sandbox to make a launch pad for the space shuttle he was making. He does end up offering that Edwin play soccer with him as the two brother's play together.


Like his 1991 counterpart, Buster is of African American descent with a pair of round white eyes with black pupils and dark brown hair. He is seen wearing a red cap turned backwards, a light blue t-shirt with a red-and-white jersey with the number 30 printed on the front on top, blue shorts, white socks, and black sneakers.


So far, Buster has made his only appearance in the season 2 episode, Baby Talk


  • Randy has shown him all the Final Eclipse movies except for #5