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Bug Off Gallery Transcript

GIRL: This is a gym, Minis,

and this is your first high school basketball game!

Go, Fighting Poodles!

Yip! Yip! Yip!

There's my friend Britannica.

I'm so excited for her--

she's an "M"!

Hi, Britannica!


[cheerleaders shrieking]

[thudding, moaning]

Oops, mondo ouch.

Hang tight, Minis.

Was they supposed to fall down?

I hope so, that was my favoritest part!


What is everyone yelling?

That's the biggest game of catch

I ever seed!

Ooh, ooh, I'm so sorry!

Are you okay?


[moaning]: I hurt my ankle!

I don't think I can finish the game.

But without you, all they can spell

is "Go, Tea!"

I'll take your place.

[game buzzer buzzes]

I'm your "M"!




Oh, no, that's okay.

Don't worry, I know all the cheers.

And, besides, this is a cheer emergency.

Britannica, can you scope the Minis?


I'll rest my ankle.


[crowd gasping]


Hey, keep your eye on the ball!

I guess those people aren't playing catch right.

They have a ball and they're catching it.

What else is there?

[referee's whistle blows]

Why are there pictures

of giant bugs everywhere?

Why don't you ask about the giant bug?


Giant bug?

[laughing]: Buzz...

And it's pointing its stinker right at Taffy!


Bad buggy, shoo, shoo!

[game clock buzzer buzzing]

That's just going to make him madder.


[blows raspberry]

Told you.

TOMMY: We gots to stop the bug

before it stinks Taffy!

Yeah, getting stunk hurts!

It's like getting a shot, but without the lolli!

I don't know if we can stop that bug, Tommy.

It's really big.

Sure we can stop it,

It's only one, uh... giant bug.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

[ laughing]

ALL: Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz!


Uh, he broughted all his buggy friends!

Don't worry, Chuckie--

they're not trying to sting Taffy.

We just gots to stop that mean one.

How do you stop a giant, mean buggy?

We could eat it!

But it would take a very, very long time.

My daddy stops bugs with buggy spray.

Where are we going to get that?

MAN: Go, Hornets, go, Hornets, go, Hornets, go, Hornets!


Yeah, all right, Hornets!

Whoo, yeah!

Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!


Buggy spray!

PHIL: Look, the buggy spray man!

Come on, guys!

I'm scared, Tommy.

What if I'm 'llergic to giant bugs?

Why would you be 'llergic to giant buggies?

'Cause I'm 'llergic to everything.

TOMMY: Don't worry, Chuckie--

I'll make sure he doesn't stink at you.

Come on!

Babies-- ow!


There's the buggy spray!

But there's only one left.

Yup, that won't be enough-- let's go.

Wait! Look!

PHIL: Wow, that bug spray's all growed up.

Chuckie, you stay here

and turn on the spray when I tell you.

Everyone else, follow me!

But, Tommy, I don't want to stay here alone.

This way you won't have to go near the giant bug, Chuckie.

Uh, see you soon.

CHEERLEADERS: "P" is for "Poo," "D" is for "dle,"





ANNOUNCER: Ooh, that's got to hurt!

Looks like the Hornets have lost their star player

to a pom-pom injury.


Hurry, the buggies are trying to stink Taffy!


Turn the spray on!




Oh, hey! Whoa!


Who did that?


[buzzing, babies yelling]

[ screaming]

Babies, wait!

[crowd cheering]

So, um, spraying didn't work.

[bee buzzing]

I gots a idea!

We'll catch him!

Uh, I don't think

he's going to fit in there, Tommy.

There gots to be some way to catch him.

My mommy catches flutterbies in the net.

Good thinking, Kimi!

Uh, but we don't gots any nets here.

Except that giant one hanging from the roofs.

Yip, yip, hooray!

Yip, yip, hooray!

Pood-dle power!


Let me help!

No, stay back!

Stay back!

You stay here and be the lookieout, Chuckie.

Okay, Tommy.


Here he comes!

[crowd shrieking, applauding]

Oops, wrong rope.

This one!

[disco music plays]

[crowd "oohing"]

Ooh, prettyful, Phillip...

but wrong.

This one.


MASCOT: Ah, stop it!

Ooh, looks like the Hornets

are celebrating their victory a little early.

Good job, Lil!

Yeah, they're even having a party for us.

Uh-oh, the party's over!


Crazy Poodle fans!


We're doomed-- I mean, they're doomed.

I gots to help my friends.


Ah! Oh!


His stinker!

[popping, screams and panting]

Come on, guys-- Chuckie helped us.

Now we gots to help him.


Ow, ow!



Good job getting the stinker, Chuckie.

Yeah, that was the braveliest thing I ever seed.

Uh, except for the running away and screaming part.


Uh... good idea, Chuckie.

[whistle blowing]

ANNOUNCER: Ooh, foul, Hornets!

Ooh, that's going to be an illegal use of mascot,

and there's no time left on the clock.

With the game tied,

the Poodles need just one of these free throws to win.


I wish we was outside...

then the buggy would fly away.

That's it!

The buggy must be mad because it's stuck in here.

Alls we gots to do is open a door so it can fly away!

[dribbling echoing]

ANNOUNCER: The pressure's on.

How can peoples play catch

at a time like this?



Whoo, that stunk!

[dribbling echoing]

ANNOUNCER: He looks determined this time.

Is it possible?

Could they beat the Hornets?

Poodles! Poodles!


[cheering, buzzer buzzes]

ANNOUNCER: Unbelievable! They did it!


Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!

I think it's working, Tommy.



Yeah, it's working too good.

We did it, you guys!

All the bugs is flying away!


Let's go see if Taffy's okay.

[cheerleaders giggling]

Yip, hip, hooray! Yip, hip, hooray!

Yeah, whoo-hoo!

Yeah, I think she's okay.

Hey, Minis!

How were they?

Fast... uh, learners.

Fast learners!

We did it, Minis, we beat them!



Wow, everybody's really, really happy we stopped the buggy.

How come we don't get cheers after every adventure, Tommy?

Um, maybe we're just getting

better and better at it.


(End of Episode)
