Rugrats Wiki
Rugrats - Hiccups 215
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Breaking Begley Gallery Transcript

"Breaking Begley" is the second segment of the twenty-second episode of the second season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It was originally set to premiere on Nicktoons on March 26, 2024. It along with its paired episode, The Tommy were delayed from release. It aired on digital storefronts April 12, 2024

Characters Present


After Angelica breaks the leg of Begley’s treasured Cynthia, her only hope is to rely on Doctor Susie’s doll surgery skills. - Description from Nicktoons


Charlotte has Begley and Angelica over for a playdate at the Pickles' house. The two toddlers show the rest of the babies their new Cynthia doll and spinning dance toy. Everyone enjoys playing with it at first, until Angelica turns the knob to make the toy spin as fast as it can and in doing so, Begley's Cynthia goes flying off and landing with her leg being broken off.

Begley's torn up about it initially but Angelica assures him that they can fix it, specifically on Susie's end due to her mother's medical knowledge. Therefore, they fantasize that they are in the Cynthia world and they go into a hospital to help repair her.


  • This episodes title sounds similar, and could potentially be a reference, to the American Drama TV series tilted Breaking Bad.
  • This is the second time that the Rugrats characters are seen in Cynthia world; the first being Rescuing Cynthia.

