Bow Wow Wedding Vows | Gallery | Transcript |
Angelica: (Sweetly) Oooh! A Wedding! (Gets stern) I’m in charge.
(Night time: Dil is asleep and Tommy walks over to his crib)
Tommy: Dilly? Are you awake? (a litle louder) Dil? Are you awake? (suddenly shouting) DIL! ARE YOU AWAKE?!
Dil: What? (screams in fear but then notices his brother next to him) Tommy? Night night.
Tommy: I know it's late, Dilly, but I couldn't sleep. I miss Spike. Bestest friends don’t forget about each other, right? But I………I guess he’s happy with Fifi now. So if my friend’s happy, I guess I gots to be happy too. So that’s what I’m going to be at that munch! (Smiles) See? Thanks, Dilly. Talking with you really helped.
(Tommy heads back to bed. Dil just blows a raspberry at him.)
Chuckie: Um………Are you sure you’re alright, Tommy? You seem a little too happy. Like clown happy. And that’s just scary!
(Tommy stops smiling, as he can’t hide his real feelings anymore.)
Tommy: I miss Spike. I’m not happy! I’m real, real, sad!