The Binky Baby was a side character in Rugrats in Paris: The Movie.
The Binky Baby was only mere months old and couldn't speak even baby language like the Rugrats. In terms of personality, the only thing we know is that he/she loved to do was suck on a binky so much that he/she didn't think about anything else or even notice it was pulled out of his/her mouth for a second and a half.
The Binky Baby is seen wearing an orange bear suit with pink sleeve cuffs ear drums. It's unclear if he/she has any hair, but if so is likely brown given both his/her parents have brown hair.
We first see Binky Baby at Lou and Lulu's wedding when Angelica is walking by him/her. She sees him/her sitting in a stroller just sucking on a binky, not even paying attention to what's around him/her. Since Dil asked for a new binky, she decided to take his/hers. Seeing that no one was looking she tells Binky Baby she'll be taking it and pulls it out of his/her mouth. As Angelica walks away, Binky Baby starts crying. He/she also stares at Angelica who he/she noticed took the binky and continued to whine because he/she wanted it back. But the parents didn't understand and Binky Baby could only watch and cry as Dil got his/her binky.
- Binky Baby had 21.46 seconds of screen time.
- Binky Baby is the second baby after Tommy to cry because someone gave Dil what was said baby's.