Rugrats Wiki
Babysitting Fluffy Gallery Transcript

(Chas is hammering some wooden boards and nails in around his driveway that he is resurfacing. Then, he hears the phone ring inside his house, causing him to hit his thumb by accident and he screams in pain. Chas answers the phone whilst holding out his sore thumb.)

Chas: Hello?

Charlotte: Charles? Charlotte.

Chas: Oh, hi.

Charlotte: Enough small talk. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? We're going out of town for the weekend, and we need you to watch Angelica's cat.

Chas: Charlotte, I don't really think that--

Charlotte: Stu and Didi can't watch Fluffy because she and Spike don't get along. And Betty and Howard are not cat people. So that leaves you.

Chas: But I'm allergic to cat--

Charlotte: Oh I knew you wouldn't mind. We'll be right over.

Chas: But I'm resurfacing my--

(Charlotte hangs up on the other line not letting him finish.)

Chas: ...Drive way.

(Cut to the Pickles pulling up to Chas' house. They get out with an angry Fluffy and Chaz opens the door. He starts sneezing right away.)

Chas: But Charlotte, I don't know anything about taking care of a C-c-c--achoo!

Charlotte: Well, what's to know? It's a cat. Just feed it and leave it alone.

(Angelica is with Chuckie now telling him how to care for her cat.)

Angelica: And this is Fluffy's pretty kitty brush. Member, you gotta brush her at least a zillion times a day, and be sure and pet her for two whole hours! And don't forget to tell her she's beautiful. That's her favoritest thing.

(Angelica pulls out a toy for the cat.)

Chuckie: What's that for?

Angelica: It's her toy mouse uh course! If she gets bored you have to cary it around in your mouth. (Angelica chuckles.) She thinks that's funny.

Chuckie: Well..., if you say so.

Angelica: Bye Fluffy! I know you're gonna take extra special good care of my beautiful kitty! (Threateningly at Chuckie.) Right!?

Chuckie: Ugh! Yes Angelica! Don't worry! I'll do everything just like you said! I'll be..., the bestest babysitter ever. (He's with the cat now, and is clearly unsure.) It's gunna be fun. Right Fluffy? (Fluffy runs off, tripping Chuckie)

Chas: I'll be right outside little fella. Now be nice to the kitty. Achoo! (He walks outside.)

Chuckie: Okay, Fluffy. Angelica says I'm supposed to pet you two whole hours a day. (Fluffy proceeds to run off.) Wait! I don't think that was two hours! Fluffy!

(He finds Fluffy again.)

Chuckie: Hi, Fluffy! I been looking' for yuh. You can come out now. (Fluffy growls at him.) Well..., I guess I could come under there. You know, Angelica said to tell you your the prettiest most beautifulest cat I ever seen. (As he's grunting and struggling.) The prettiest..., uh, ugh.... This isn't going' so good.

(Outside we see Chas and Stu with Tommy.)

Stu: So today's the big day, huh, Chas?

Chas: Yeah. But I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about this do -it-yourself job.

Stu: Ah don't worry, Chas. It'll be a breeze! Just let me drop Tommy off inside and I'll give you the full benefit of Stu Pickles handy-man-extraordinaire.

(Cut to Chuckie and Tommy inside the house with the cat.)

Chuckie: And then, Angelica asked me to babysit Fluffy.

Tommy: Wow.

Chuckie: Uh..., what if I mess up?

Tommy: Don't worry Chuckie, you'll do great. And I'll be right here to help you. I know lots bout aminals.

Chuckie: You do?

Tommy: Sure! I been taking care of Spike my whole life.

Chuckie: Uh, but Spike's a dog, and Fluffy's a kitty.

Tommy: Well, how different can they be?

(It shows Chuckie and Tommy trying to get the cat to play fetch.)

Tommy: Go on, Fluffy. Fetch!

Chuckie: Come on Fluffy! You can do it! (Fluffy growls at Chuckie again) Here Fluff. I'll show you how.

(Chuckie starts trying to show Fluffy how to play fetch.)

Chuckie: I think Fluffy's tired of this game, Tommy. Maybe we should do something else.

(They proceed to try and give Fluffy a bubble bath.)

Chuckie: Time for your bubble bath, Fluffums! I even brought yuh something' to play with!

(The boys become startled as Fluffy runs away, lands on Chuckie's head, and Chuckie falls down as the water splashes everywhere. Fluffy smiles devilishly.)

(Later, Fluffy is walking and meowing)

Chuckie: Uh, what's she doing' Tommy?

Tommy: Well, when Spike does that, it means he wants to go for a walk. Where's her leash?

Chuckie: She doesn't have one. But I know something' we could use.

Tommy: (Looking at the floss in Chuckie's hands.) What's that stuff?

Chuckie: some kind of rope. I think my dad ties up his teeth with it, so they don't fall out.

Tommy: Oh. Too bad my grandpa didn't know about this stuff.

(Chuckie and Tommy again get startled as Fluffy causes Mayhem with the floss. Meanwhile, Chas and Stu are having trouble of their own with the driveway project. Betty with the twins walks up on them and is astonished at the mess.)

Betty: Holy Toledo, what's going on here?

(She helps Chas.)

Chas: Thanks. I seem to have run into a little..., snag with the driveway.

Betty: Ah for Pete's sake, you guys are doing it all wrong. (As Stu gets into some trouble.) Here. Let me put the pups inside and I'll show ya how it's done.

(Now we're inside the house with the babies and the Kitty as Chuckie tells Phil and Lil about the baby sitting.)

Chuckie: And that's when..., she knocked the flowers off the table and they almost hit me on the head.

Phil and Lil: Wow. (Fluffy meows as Tommy fixes Chuckue's glasses)

Phil: Sounds kinda fun.

Chuckie: I don't think it was very fun for Fluffy.

Lil: Of course not! You guys is doing it all wrong!

Tommy and Chuckie: We are?

Lil: You're apposed to be babysitting. And Fluffy isn't even wearing a diaper.

Boys: Oh!

(They proceed to try and fix the issues wrong with their babysitting.)

Tommy: Here nice Kitty!

(They all crowd around and try to take care of Fluffy. She runs off startling them.)

Phil: I don't think I like cats.

Lil: (Humming a lullaby.) Come on Fluffy. Come for your bottle.

Chuckie: Be careful with her. (Fluffy yowls as she throws the bottle out of Lil's hands)

Tommy: I think you're apposed to burp her now.

(They try to burp her and you hear a burp.)

Phil: Scuse me.

(Fluffy runs away again and the babies start a commotion.)

Chuckie: Oh no!

Lil: Hey guys! Look at!

(Everyone comes to see as Fluffy starts gagging and hacking.)

Chuckie: Oh no! Now she's gonna frow up!

(Chuckie picks her up and tries to burp her, but Fluffy coughs up a huge hairball on his shirt and runs off.)

Phil: Hey! I think I do like cats.

(Chuckie starts to feel upset and he starts to sob...)

Tommy: What's wrong, Chuckie?

Lil: Are you gonna frow up too?

Chuckie: No! It's this babysitting' stuff! It isn't working' you guys! I wanted to be the bestest babysitter ever. But I guess..., I'm just..., nothing' but a--a--

Tommy: What, Chuckie?

Chuckie: A baby! (He starts to cry. They all join in on the crying soon after.)

(Outside, Betty, Stu, and Chas aren't having much success with the driveway either.)

Chas: This just isn't working! I've never seen such a mess!

(Stu sees that Chas has something.)

Stu: Hey! What do you got there, buddy?

Chas: Huh? Well, ..., what do you know. (He and the others look at the instructions.) There seems to be a set of instructions. (Betty and Stu look at each other confused)

(Back inside, all the babies except Phil are still crying.)

Lil: Where's Philip?

Phil: (acting like a cat on all fours) Meow..., Meeeeeeooowww..., Meeeeeeooww. Mew Mew Mew. Hey look you guys, I'ma kitty.

Lil: (giggling) You look like Fluffy when you do that!

Chuckie: Come here Fluffy.

(They all start laughing and crowding around Phil.)

Phil: Ow! Not so hard! That's good. Try it behind the ears.

Chuckie: Nice kitty.

Lil: Oh, Fluffy. You are soooo beautiful!

Tommy: Good girl Fluffy. (Fluffy starts to snuggle to Chuckie and starts purring)

Chuckie (As Fluffy is purring in the background.): Hey guys! I think we finally did something' right! (giggles)

(They all give a cheer. Now we go to the driveway which is coming along better.)

Chas: Be sure all wooden forms are set even with adjacent surfaces. (Stu gives a thumbs-up and smiles at Chas) Then spread the warm asphalt..., evenly. (Betty spreads the asphalt evenly and also smiles at Chas)

(Back inside with the babies passing out snacks.)

Phil: One for you, and one for me. And..., one for Fluffy, and..., three for me.

Lil (Brushing her.): One..., eight..., ahundirt..., twenty-two..., azillion. All done!

Chuckie: Boy! Angelica's sure gonna be proud of us! And how good we taked care of Fluffy.

(The door opens and Chas comes in.)

Chas: Well, all done kids. Look. Isn't she a beauty?

(The cat runs outside and into the warm asphalt as Chas' allergic reaction makes him sneeze. Then time goes by and Charlotte pulls up with Angelica.)

Angelica: Hi Mr. Chuckie's Dad! I'm here to get my beautiful Fluffy.

Chas: (Informing Angelica about Fluffy) Uh..., Angelica..., honey...,

Angelica: Fluffy! Mommy's home!

Chas: I'm afraid we had a little... (Angelica is heard screaming in horror as Chas winces.) ...accident.

(Chuckie is shown explaining to a stunned Angelica how to take care of Fluffy, who is now mostly hairless due to the asphalt incident.)

Chuckie: Now don't forget you gotta rub the skin everyday to help the hair grow back. But don't rub too hard, cause she don't like that. And be sure to tell her she's beautiful. And..., you know, really Angelica, if you go like this, (He squints?) She still looks pretty good. And be sure to wrap her in a blanky, but not the fuzzy kind.
