Rugrats Wiki
Baby Power Gallery Transcript

(Scene starts in the Pickles' yard: Tommy and Spike are playing tug-o'-war with a rubber frog while the other babies surround him. Didi enters the house. Tommy falls over, having won, and Spike walks off.)

Kimi: Good job, Tommy. You're a great tugger.

(Tommy gets up, Spiffy and Dil are playing their own tug-o'-war game)

Lil: Dil's good at it too.

(Spiffy wins)

Phil: Maybe not.

Chuckie: Poor Dilly. He's not strong enough for tuggy-war.

Dil: Wee-hee-hee!

Tommy: I guess he's just not strong enough to have fun like we do.

Phil: Yeah, he's not big and powerful like us! (poses like a superhero)

Lil: Maybe we could make him strong like Phil.

(Spiffy tackles Phil and licks his face)

Phil: (getting up after Spiffy runs off) Yeah, we could feed him bugs! I gots a diapie full and they're bursting with power!

(Spiffy runs around with the toy frog)

Tommy: Dil's not much of a bug-eater.

Phil: More for me. (takes a worm from his diaper and tries to it)

Tommy: Wait! I have the perfect thing! Come on!

(leads the babies into his parents' room)

Here it is!

Lil: Wipies?

Tommy: No, that!

Chuckie: The nose un-stuffer?

Tommy: No, baby power! Dil's probably just not getting enough baby power.

(his friends cheer in unison)

(back in the yard, Tommy powders Dil)

Lil: Maybe give him some more.

(Dil giggles, coughs and sneezes)

Phil: That's probably enough.

Tommy: Okay, guys, he's powered. (takes rubber frog in Spiffy's mouth to Dil and has Dil grab the frog) Come on, Dilly, show him what you got!

(Dil loses the tug of war)

Lil: Maybe we should try Philip's bugs.

Phil: (burps) Sorry, too late.

Tommy: Uh, that's okay, it probably just, uh, takes time for the power to work.

(the babies watch Dil, who giggles and drums his fists, and a minor earthquake hits, knocking down the Reptar wagon, a fence post, and a plant whose pot breaks. The earthquake stops)

Tommy: Uh-oh. I think I gave him too much power!

Lil: He shook the whole world!

Kimi: (looks shocked) Even the flower pot.

Chuckie: This house! Look what he's done to the house! (walks over to a knocked-over playhouse)

(Stu and Didi rush outside, nervous)

Didi: Are you OK, kids?!

Stu: They're fine, Deed.

Didi: (wipes Dil's face) Except for too much powder.

Stu: This is great! It's just what I've been waiting for!

Didi: An earthquake?!

Stu: It's the perfect time to test my new line of earthquake preparedness products. (runs into the house laughing)

Didi: I have a feeling the kids will be safer out here. (enters the house)

Kimi: Your mommy even thinks he's got too much power!

Tommy: Um...I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, guys! (Stu puts helmets on the babies that make their heads tilt) Okay, maybe we should worry.

Didi: Do you really think this is necessary, Stu?

(Phil falls over)

Stu: You can never be too safe. Besides, this is just the beginning, Deed. I've got a whole line of safety products. (Didi picks up Dil) From now on, Pickles Industries is going to be the first name in disasters. (parents enter house)

Chuckie: It's worser than I thought! Now your daddy's a-scared of Dil's power.

Tommy: Yeah, and it's all my fault.

Phil: No, it's not! Oh, yeah, it is.

Tommy: We got to stop him before he breaks all our stuff! And us!

(everyone else nods, they go inside)

(Dil eats a cookie at his high chair, Didi fixes a plate)

Tommy: Maybe if we gets his rattle, he'll stop shaking stuff. You guys get his tension.

(They walk into the kitchen, Tommy grabs Dil's rattle while the rest pull silly faces. Tommy comes back.)

Lil: Good job, Tommy!

(Dil starts crying, another small earthquake happens)

Phil: Oops. (the cookie jar falls off the shelf) Not the cookie jar. We's created a monster!

(Chuckie and Kimi cover their eyes)

Didi: (entering) It's OK, sweetie. It's just a little aftershock. (picks Dil up) But I think we may have to take you away from here.

Tommy: Take him away?!

Kimi: Where would they take him?!

Phil: Probably to the zoo. That's where they keep wild aminals.

Lil: Or maybe they'll send him to another planet! (the rest, except Tommy, gasp) Okay, okay, to the zoo!

(Chuckie, Kimi and Phil sigh)

Tommy: No! Not even the zoo! Not my brother! We got to figure out how to get the old not-strong Dilly back!

Stu: (showing Didi a device) Feast your eyes, Deed. I call it the Pickles earthquake detection system!

(whistles for Spike and Spiffy, who enter wearing technology)

Didi: Oh, my!

Stu: Early warning devices. It's a well-known fact that dogs sense earthquakes before they happen, so as soon as Spiffy and Spike detect any sign of a tremor, these devices will set off an alarm! Neat, huh?

Didi: (nervous) Uh-huh.

(The alarm on Spike goes off, both dogs run off growling and barking)

Stu: It's working! It's working! It's working. I don't get it. The dogs better have sensed something. (The dogs bark at the window) Okay, okay, it needs a few adjustments. (they walk off)

(Tommy uses a cup to scoop water from the dogs' dish and hands it to Phil.)

Phil: No thanks. I'm not thirsty.

Tommy: No, it's for Dil! We got to wash all the baby power off! Come on, pass it down! (Passes it to Phil, who passes it to Lil, who passes it to Chuckie, who passes it to Kimi, who walks over to Dil and pours it on him.)

(Dil busts out crying)

Chuckie: Oh no, he's crying'! He's going to shake everything again! (holds his helmet)

Lil: Wait! It's not shaken!

Kimi: We washed the power off! Tommy, you're the smartest.

(another earthquake starts)

Lil: Uh-oh. Now, you're dumb again.

Didi: (entering) It's O.K., Dil. Mommy's coming. Oh, your diaper is wet, Sweetums. And so's your head?! (wipes water off his head with her hand) Boy! When you have to go, you have to go! (picks Dil up)

Tommy: Dil has to go and it's all because of me!

Lil: How come washing Dilly's power off didn't work?

Tommy: Must've already rubbed in.

Kimi: Well, maybe we could keep him from using his powers.

Tommy: That's it! We'll just make sure he doesn't move around! Ever!

Everyone else: Yeah!

Chuckie: Well, how about playing him a Dummi Bear movie? I can't move a muscle when I'm watching Dummi Bears.

Dummi Bear on TV 1: I like to share! Do you like to share? (hands other bear a pie)

Dummi Bear on TV 2; I like to share! I'm a bear that likes to share!

Bears: (eating pies and singing) You give me, and I give you. I give you and you give me. You give me and I give you.

Dil: La la, la la.

Tommy: Hey, guys! It's working.

Kimi: (mesmerized) I like to share. (Chuckie taps her helmet, she shakes her head, snapping her out of her trance) Oh, thanks, Chuckie.

Tommy: (getting off the couch and in front of the others) Okay, guys, now just be good to Dil and show him Dummi Bears forever!

Chuckie and Twins: Yeah! Kimi: Okay.

Bears: And I give you and you give me. (eat the last pies)

(Dil laughs, another earthquake starts, breaking the shelf)

Tommy: (holds up a framed picture of himself and Dil) Oh, Dilly. There's got to be something we can do!

(Didi enters the kitchen, everything is strapped down)

Stu: I call it Stu's Straps. Guaranteed to make your breakables unbreakable.

Didi: Looks really.... complicated.

Stu: Don't worry, Deed. It's easy as pie. To open, simply tug gently on the Velcro side and (tries to open one but fails) Ya just tug gently and--(falls over, breaking the strap and knocking the drawer out)

Didi: Oh, Stu. I hope you didn't put these anyplace else. (looks shocked as there are some in the living room)

(the babies go outside)

Chuckie: What are we going to do? The Dummi Bears didn't work!

Kimi: (shaking her head) Taking the rattle didn't work.

Lil: Water didn't work.

Tommy: (stops pushing Dil's stroller) I got an idea! After my daddy mows the lawn, he can't even lift his finger! Maybe that will work for Dil!

Kimi: That's a great idea Tommy, except Dil can't mow! He can't even walk.

Tommy: He can if we help him.

(Chuckie and the twins cheer, then the babies all push Dil's stroller and the toy lawnmower and the wagon with the dogs in, who eventually run away.)

Lil: Dilly's not tired at all.

Kimi: And now he's making funny sounds. (referring to his stomach growling)

Tommy: He's going to poop! Run for your lives!

(He hides in the sand box, Phil hides in a bush, Chuckie hides behind the sand box, the girls hide behind a tree, Dil farts, everyone comes out of their hiding places.)

Chuckie: Hey, nothing shaked!

Tommy: Maybe the mowing worked.

All: Yay!

(the parents come outside)

Stu: Well, I think the shaking stopped, Deed.

Didi: That's a relief. Now, maybe we could put away some of your safety equipment? I mean I'm all for being prepared, Stu, but I'd like to return to normal.

Stu: What's not normal? You're right, Deed, maybe I did go a bit far. (takes helmet off Lil) I need to come up with a simple approach. Like instant airbags that deploy at the slightest hint of motion!

Didi: (removes Kimi's helmet as Phil removes his) At least nothing exploded this time.

Tommy: We did it, guys. Sorry I gave you too much power, Dilly. And I'm pretty sure you're back to Norman now! Of course, there's only one way to be sure. (has Spiffy and Dil play tug-o'-war with the frog, Spiffy wins) Yup, Dilly's out of power!

(everyone rejoices)

Spike: (stomach growling)
