Angelica Orders Out | Gallery | Transcript |
"Angelica Orders Out" is a Season 4 episode of Rugrats.
Characters Present[]
- Tommy
- Angelica
- Stu
- Didi
- Drew
- Charlotte
- Lou
- Chuckie (cameo)
- Lil (cameo)
- Phil (cameo)
- Chas (cameo)
- Betty (cameo)
- Howard (cameo)
- Larry
Angelica steals Stu's newest invention, the "Pickles Voice Frequency Modulator 5000" and takes advantage of it by ordering plenty of food from a local deli. - Description from Klasky Csupo
Stu has created a new gadget: The Pickles Voice Frequency Modulator 5000. This item enables people to throw their voice, or sound like someone else. When Angelica has a try, she sounds just like her mother, Charlotte. Stu and Didi plan to go to the Wonderful World of Wicker seminar, while Charlotte goes to a meeting, leaving the kids in Grandpa Lou's care (as long as he doesn't fall asleep). Didi suggests that he order from Zippy Snappy Home Delivery Deli for something to eat. She asks Lou to not order any junk food, as she, Stu, Drew and Charlotte are trying to take care of Tommy and Angelica's teeth. She threatens to take Lou's teeth away if he doesn't comply with this request. Lou agrees with this while Tommy is worried about Lou after he overheard their conversation.
After the parents leave, Lou shows Angelica the speed-dial phone and has her dial the deli. Lou then orders a healthy lunch of bologna sandwiches on white bread with extra mayo for Tommy & Angelica, some steamed carrots with a side of cottage cheese for himself and for dessert, some baked apples for everybody, all paid with the Pickles' account. Angelica is upset about the dessert that she's getting, but Lou repeats what Didi said to him: no junk food or he will lose his teeth. Angelica stares at the phone with a grin, thinking of an idea.
After they had diet lunch with Lou puts a paper bag of Zippy's with Angelica's bologna sandwich on white bread with extra mayo above the coffee table, Lou's steamed carrots and cottage cheese and are eating their baked apples, except for Angelica, Lou falls asleep after telling Tommy about the time when he first ate baked apples with his grandfather. Relieved, Angelica goes to the phone and uses the speed-dial button to call the deli again, asking for a big bag of double-fudge chocolate chip cookies to be sent to the Pickles' house, much to Tommy's horror. Tommy tries to tell Angelica to stop those cookies because of his mother's warning about taking Lou's teeth away, but she ignores him. When the deli explains that they only take orders from adults, Angelica uses Stu's invention to pretend to be her mother, Charlotte. When the deli recites their dessert menu to Angelica, she proceeds to order every dessert item including flan, then hangs up.
Having another idea, she calls her home where Drew is working on his paperwork. As "Charlotte", she tells him that since Angelica has been so good lately, he should go to Toy City and get Angelica the new and very expensive "Cynthia Ultra-Mega Play World" that she's been wanting for so long. Drew initially resists, but Angelica, sounding like Charlotte, yells at him to do it and then hangs up.
After this, Tommy is outraged and threatens to wake Lou up so he can stop to get a refund from Angelica, but she traps him inside of an upside-down laundry basket and then places a heavy box of Sudōs Laundry Soap on top of it to prevent Tommy from knocking the basket away and waking Lou. Afterwards, Angelica starts calling up everyone she knows, using Stu's invention, and apparently requesting more stuff she likes.
When the deli truck arrives, Angelica uses the voice-changer, as well as a portrait of Didi that she holds up to the mail slot, to make the man leave the delivery by the door and go away. As the delivery man leaves, the screech of the van wakes Lou up. After freeing Tommy from under the laundry basket, Lou is horrified when he discovers that Angelica used Stu's invention to get the desserts he refused to order for her by impersonating Charlotte. While Lou is trying to straighten things out, Didi calls him and says that due to a "very serious splinter incident", the Wonderful World of Wicker seminar was canceled. As such, she and Stu are on their way home. Just then, the doorbell rings and Lou sees that it's Drew with some kind of big box. Angelica is pleased to hear that her father got her the "Cynthia Ultra-Mega Play World" and a horrified Lou is even more mortified that Angelica also called her father with Stu's invention. He asks, “Who else did you call?!” to which she replies "nobody." Lou then tells Angelica to hide while he takes care of the situation.
While Lou is talking with Drew, who's irritated about how having to get the toy "Charlotte" ordered him to get, some cream-filled pastries fall out of a hole at the bottom of the deli bag that Lou is holding. Suddenly suspicious, Drew asks his father "Angelica hasn't been eating sweets, has she?!". Lou lies by stating that he ordered himself some dessert while the kids were napping, before offering Drew a raspberry flavored one. Suddenly, Chas, Betty, Howard, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil arrive with presents, causing Lou to retreat back into the house as he's confused about why they're here. Angelica tells Lou that she called them too, further angering him. He asks if she called anybody else, to which she replies that she didn’t.
Lou goes back out to take the toy and tries to get rid of Drew, giving him the bag of desserts. Just as Drew tries to tell his father that he does not like cream-filled pastries, the other adults come over and Chas asks Drew if they're not too late for Angelica's surprise party. Now confused as well as suspicious, Drew confirms that Angelica's birthday is not for another six months. Then, Stu, Didi, and Charlotte arrive, causing Lou to retreat back into the house again. Inside, even more frantic than ever, Lou grabs Tommy and tells Angelica to get rid of all the junk food while he keeps them busy.
Once he exits the house, Lou tells everyone that he taught Tommy how to dance and moves Tommy around to make it look like he's dancing. Drew is even more confused and suspicious since his father told him that the kids were napping. Charlotte arrives and is surprised to see Drew at her in-laws' house to the point where she asks her husband "What are you doing here?!" He states that "I guess I'm here for this big surprise party that you didn't even tell me about." A confused and suspicious Stu turns to his father and asks "Pop, what's going on here?!" Drew backs Stu up by asking his father "Yeah, what is going on?! Can somebody tell me what's going on?!" with the other confused and suspicious adults joining in with protests of "Yeah, what's going on?!". As Lou tries to make excuses, they all back him inside enough for them to see Angelica on the floor eating the pastries, cookies, eclairs, pies and donuts thinking that Lou meant "eat the food" when he said, "get rid of it".
An angry Didi demands to know what happened here and Stu also angrily asks Lou if he fell asleep again. Feeling guilty for Lou getting into trouble with his parents because of Angelica betraying their trust, Tommy spots the voice changer, which gives him an idea to make Angelica come clean about her actions while Lou tries to explain the situations. As Angelica tries to tell everyone to just forget about it since families being together is what matters importantly, Tommy holds the voice changer to her mouth and makes her sound like Charlotte again, exposing her misdeeds and revealing what indeed is going on. Angelica asks why everyone is looking at her as all of the adults including Lou are staring at her. Lou’s stare and Angelica sounding like Charlotte makes Drew, the DeVille's, and Chas realize that Angelica was the one who was really making those calls they got. Soon, Charlotte, Stu and Didi understand what indeed happened while they were gone. Later, Stu locks the voice-changer away in a safe containing some of his other inventions to stop Angelica from pulling what she did again. Stu happily tells Tommy that the voice-changer has proven to be one invention that mankind just isn't ready for it, and they leave the basement.
Meanwhile, Angelica is in the kitchen and being forced to eat flan (since all the deserts she ordered are sent back to the deli for refunds by Didi presumably), which she has discovered she doesn't like, as punishment for taking advantage of her everybody including her grandfather and deliberately disobey her aunt and parents’ restrictions about eating sweets. Angelica protests, but Charlotte firmly responds that since Angelica ordered the flan, she will eat it. Angelica grumbles of how she didn’t know "flan would be so yucky" and reluctantly eats it eventually whilst Lou, with his teeth confiscated as punishment for falling asleep, disobeying his son and daughter-in law and not supervising the kids, explains that "at least you can eat it without your teeth," which he does with such enjoyment.
- This is the only appearance of Stu's voice-changing invention.
- Chuckie, Phil, and Lil arrive as cameos with Chas, Betty, and Howard.
- When Stu puts his voice-changer in the vault, we can see what looks like Mr. Friend from "The Mysterious Mr. Friend".
- When Angelica goes to get the voice-changing invention, she seems to go to the other side of the kitchen. But Stu had left the invention in the living room.
- Lou realized Angelica took advantage of him by her disobedience.
- This is, so far, the only known appearance of Zippy's Snappy Home Delivery.
- This is one of the few episodes where Lou gets mad at Angelica.
- It's odd that neither Chas nor Howard knows when Angelica's birthday is, considering the duo previously performed their clown act for Angelica in the episode "Angelica's Birthday".
- The lunch that Lou ordered a diet lunch was bologna sandwiches on white with extra mayo for the kids, steamed carrots and cottage cheese for himself, three waters with ice, and baked apples for everybody. Angelica later ordered a bag of double fudge chocolate chip cookies as well as Larry's recommendations of chocolate cake, eclairs, coconut cream pie (even though she hates coconut), strawberry shortcake, chocolate macadamias, flan, and another dessert that begins with chocolate (likely donuts, as they are among the desserts that Angelica is seen pigging out on).
- Interestingly enough, the cookies that Angelica first ordered are not seen among the desserts delivered. Nor is the large pyramid of flan that appears at the end (though this could be ordered with pressure from (most likely) Charlotte, but off-screen; these are either inconsistent or from a huge bag since it is a large pyramid). Most of these are probably goofs, most likely due to inconsistency or a rush with the animation staff.
- In this episode, Larry's hair is red, but in all of his other appearances, it's blonde.
- When Stu changes his voice to a deeper tone, he talks and sounds like Darth Vader from Star Wars.
- The episode was ranked #52 in the "Top 100 Greatest Nicktoon Moments" as part of "Superstuffed Nicktoons Weekend".
- When Angelica presses "2" to phone Drew, "Charlotte" is misspelled as "Charollte", although it was spelled correctly before.
- This episode's concept would be recycled into the reboot's cartoon I Dream of Duffy where Angelica instead orders toys from the titular Duffy device while the babies believe it to be a genie and request their own wishes from it.
- For unknown reasons, Angelica and her voice actor (Cheryl Chase) are omitted from this episode's credits.
- Morals:
- Never take advantage of the elderly for your own selfish gain, because it's greedy.
- Stealing is wrong and illegal. Adults can go to jail for it, but juveniles can go to juvenile hall.
- Be careful where you leave your belongings, so you remember where you put them,
- Always listen and obey your parents and do what they tell you to do, because they know what is best for you.
- Lying will get you nowhere. One lie covers up a web of lies.
- The speed dial buttons are listed as (from one to nine): DeVilles, Drew and Charlotte, Finsters, Carmichaels, Boris and Minka, Aunt Miriam, Dr. Lipschitz, Information, and Zippy's Deli.