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Season 4 Episode 16a
Angelica Nose Best
Original Airdate November 22, 1997
VHS release Angelica Knows Best
DVD release Season 4
Previous Episode Let it Snow
Next Episode Pirate Light

Angelica Nose Best is a Season 4 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present


Didi is putting together a puzzle while the babies are listening to Pinochio on tape (Lil likes the "turn the page" part). Angelica is watching Didi put the jigsaw together and Grandpa Lou is looking for his keys. Then Didi leaves and while while the grownups are gone, Angelica continues the jigsaw (Tommy disapproves) Then Angelica pounds her fist on the table in frustration and the pieces go everywhere but when Didi comes, Angelica blames Spike, who Didi locks out. The babies then accuse Angelica of lying and say her nose will grow longer like Pinocchio but Angelica tells them that's not how it works. That night a mosquito bites Angelica and her nose gets swollen. Next morning Angelica is eating cereal and Charlotte is sitting for the babies. Angelica sees her swollen nose reflected in the spoon and asks if her nose is big but Charlotte says she has a pretty nose. Grandpa Lou visits, bringing chocolates which Angelica eats and knocks over the babies like dominoes. Charlotte comes to Chuckie's aid as he is crying and Angelica wipes chocolate on Fluffy, who Charlotte locks inside her cat castle. The babies point out Angelica's nose looks swollen. Angelica chases the babies and knocks over the vase, blaming the babies. Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil are in the timeout pen while Angelica plays with Cynthia. Again, the babies point out her nose is swollen. She sees it is and screams and runs to Grandpa Lou, who jokingly states "You haven't been lying now, have you my little Pinochio?" so she runs to the babies and cries. Lil suggests pushing it in like a button and Phil suggests letting it get really big to put her cookies in. Then Chuckie suggests to stop lying so Tommy thinks telling the truth will make the nose smaller again. They put her in a lazyboy and Phil asks who broke Didi's puzzle. Angelica says that Spike did it. Lil asks who ate Grandpa Lou's candy and Angelica says that it was Fluffy but maybe she tasted a little bit. Chuckie asks who broke the vase. Angelica says she did it. The babies cheer. Charlotte says she had an accident while Angelica tells her mum the sky is blue, playgrounds are fun and Grandpa Lou is old. Charlotte says the babies broke the vase. Lou won a mirror and Angelica sees her nose is still swollen so cries and confesses her crimes. By then her nose is healed.


  • When Grandpa Lou discovers that his chocolate candy he was selling had been eaten by Angelica, Angelica yet again tells a lie by claiming that Fluffy did it and wipes the evidence (chocolate that was on her hands and face) on the cat's fur. In real life, chocolate is considered toxic to cats.
  • In this episode Angelica gets bitten by a mosquito but heals. Other episodes where a character appears sick or hurt are (as a warning/reassurance to sensitive people) The First Cut Tommy cuts himself twice but is OK and Mr Finster falls down but is OK, A Dose of Dil and The Shot Dil and Angelica respectively are crying from their shots hurting. Also in A Dose of Dil Chuckie threw up but was OK, just nauseated by the motion of a swing and Lil has a cut on her leg but only a minor one. In The Ransom of Cynthia Angelica throws up due to spinning dizziness and also in Chuckie Loses His Glasses due to nausea from the glasses. In All's Well That Pretends Well the babies and Angelica appear sick but the babies are fine and Angelica probably is too. In Chuckie's a Lefty Dil has a runny nose which Didi thinks is a cold. In Chicken Pops Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica have the hives which Lou says is chicken pox but the only symptom is a rash so it could be hives. There is also talk of half the kids in Susie and Angelica's daycare having chicken pox. In The Smell of Success Chuckie and Cheddar have blocked noses but it is just hayfever, in Grandpa's Bad Bug Lou pretends to have a bug but doesn't, in I Remember Melville Melville is presumed dead, in Share and Share a Spike, a toy breaks, more toys break (but are fixed) in Doctor Susie, namely Jack, Cynthia and Mrs Moo Moo. Howard loses his voice in Cat Got Your Tongue but gets it back, at the end of Babysitting Fluffy, Fluffy loses her fur. Also earlier she throws up but is not sick. Phil gets a cat scratch. Melinda Finster died of an illness but Chaz and Chuckie are fine. Angelica ends up cuffed to the bedside in Cuffed. A fish ate Cynthia in In The Navel, but she is retrieved. In The Tricycle thief Cynthia gets sent away by balloon but comes back. In Angelica Breaks A Leg, Angelica pretends to break her leg and Mr Peaches really does break his leg. Didi has a combo of seasickness and morning sickness in Family Tree and has labor pains in the movie. In The Seven Voyages Of Cynthia, Cynthia gets lost down the waterfall and Spike gets lost but Spike comes back with Cynthia. Both are dirty but get cleaned up. In Spike Runs Away, Spike does run away but he comes back. Terry dies or gets set free and a rich man gets bitten by Cuddles but is OK. In Give And Take, Mr Boppo deflates but Stu fixes him. Stu gets a bit beat up in A Whole New Stu but is OK. In Man Of The House, Grandpa Lou is said to be unhealthy in his eating habits/cholestrol but he seems fine. Didi thinks Dil is sick but he's not. In No More Cookies, Angelica eats too many cookies and gets a tummyache, then gets another tummyache from eating soap. In The Slumber Party Tommy is tired and then throws up but is fine. Tommy is also sleep deprived in No Naps but perks up after his nap. In Tommy and the Secret Club and Steve, Phil gets an allergic reaction or something from milk and in Steve Steve melts but is now a water man and Lil says she is sick but is fine four seconds later.

