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Angelica Nose Best Gallery Transcript

(The scene opens the set of unfinished puzzles. Putting them together.)

Didi: Pop, I thought you were reading the kids a story.

Lou: I am. Books on tape. Never been easier to be a grandpa.

Tape recorder: But Pinocchio paid no attention to Gepetto's warning. He told a lie, and behold, his nose grew larger. (slide whistle) Turn the page. (Tommy turns the page and it shows Pinocchio's nose grow) And when he told another lie, his nose grew larger still. (slide whistle) Turn the page. (Tommy turns the page and it shows Pinocchio's nose growing even bigger right up to Tommy's nose. Phil and Lil laugh)

Phil: This is a really good story!

Lil: I especially like the 'Turn the page' part. That always takes me by surprise!

(Angelica gets stressed as she walks to the kitchen, looking at Didi's jigsaw puzzle.)

Angelica: Whatcha doing, Aunt Didi?

Didi: Oh, I'm just finishing up a jigsaw puzzle I've been working on since before Tommy was born. I'm so excited that I'm finally getting it gone.

Angelica: Can I help?

Didi: No! No, no, no, Angelica. This isn't for you to play with.

Lou: Conflab it, it's time to go to my wombat meeting and I can't find my keys.

Didi: Oh, come on, pop, I'll give you the keys to the van.

Tommy: Hey, Angelica, can you help us? The book broke. Angelica, that's my mommy's! I don't think you're 'upposed to play with it!

Angelica: Relapse! I'm just helping her a little bit. Now, let's see. I think this piece goes right here. Stupid puzzle. It has to go right here!

Tommy: Angelica, no! (Angelica punches the table, dumped and flying Aunt Didi's puzzle around the floor. )

Didi: Is anything all right.

Phil: Tommy, your mom's coming!

Angelica: Uh-oh.

Didi: Angelica, what did you do?!

Angelica: It wasn't me, it! But don't be mad, Aunt Didi. He's just a poor dumb doggie.

Spike: (whimpering)

Chuckie: Um, you didn't tell the truth, Angelica. You broke the rickshaw puzzle- not Spike! [Punished by Angelica]

Lil: You told a lie.

Tommy: Yeah, that's right. You told a lie, an' your nose is gonna get bigger an' bigger, just like "Pistachio"!

Angelica: Firstly of all, it's just a baby story. That some peoples maked up to scare babies. And nextly Real people's noses don't get bigger when they lie. (In the middle of the night, the mosquito flies around her bedroom, and Fluffy catches the mosquito. The mosquito bite Angelica's nose to suck it up. Angelica's nose is swollen. The next morning, Angelica has Cynthia-O's for breakfast. Charlotte wears summer clothes)

Charlotte: No, Jonathan. I'm staying home today doing the mommy thing.

Charlotte: Children are easy. All they need is a little attention.

Angelica: Mommy. Mommy, my nose, is my nose big?

Lou: "Hello, sir or madam. "I am visiting your house "Apartment or hotel "To ask you to participate "In my club, group or organization. What i..."

Charlotte: Pops, if you're selling Those chocolate bars For the Wombat Lodge again, I can't buy any. I'm on the new wheat grass diet.

Angelica: (Gasp) Chocolate!

(Rips the paper.)

Tommy: What are you doing, Angelica? Those aren't yours.

Angelica (mockingly): (Eats the chocolate) Those aren't yours. (she pushes the babies down. Chuckie starts to cry.)

Charlotte: (gasps) Who's crying? What's wrong? (Chuckie still crying)

Lou: Oh, my chocolates!

Angelica: It wasn't me, it was, uh, Fluffy! But don't be mad. she's just a poor, dumb kitty.

Fluffy: (meowing sadly)

Angelica: It is not! I'll get you! You dumb babies! (Angelica pushes the armoire and she shattered Louis Guittores vase that Angelica did it)

Charlotte: (gasps) Oh, no! My Louis Guittores vase! It's irreplaceable!

Angelica: I didn't do it! It was Tommy! Tommy and the babies! They did it! But don't be mad, Mommy. They're just poor, dumb babies.

Angelica: No, I've been a good girl, I mean.. (She looked in the mirror for my nose hurt) My nose! (She cries hysterically) This stupid nose is just going to get bigger and bigger. It's never going to stop.

Lil: Maybe, you just push your nose in like a button.

Phil: Who broked Tommy's mommy's rickshaw puzzle?

Angelica: Uh, it was Spike. (The babies groan.)

Lil: Who eated your grandpa's candy?

Angelica: Um...uh...Fluffy? ...and maybe I tasted an eensy bit.

Tommy: Okay, now we're getting somewheres. One more time. Chuckie.

Chuckie: Who broked that Louis Outdoors guy's flower thingie?

Angelica: Mmmm...Me. (starts sobbing) It was me! (sobbing continues)

Angelica: Mommy! Mommy! I got stuff to tell you! The sky is blue, Mommy!

Charlotte: That's nice, sweetheart. Anyway, we had a little accident...

Angelica: [interrupting]: And playgrounds are fun! [Ascending scale is playing tweaky Tell The Truth high pitched music into low pitched descending scale.]

Didi: You had an accident?

Angelica: And Grandpa Lou is old!

Charlotte: Angelica, will you please be quiet so I can tell Didi how the babies broke our Louis Guitorres vase?

Didi: (gasps) The babies broke your vase?!

Charlotte: Absolutely shattered it. Isn't that right, honey?

Angelica: Uh...uh...I...I...I...I mean... Yes, Mommy, that's what happens.

Lou: I won! Hey I won! (with his antique fun house mirror)

Charlotte: What'd you win, Pop!

Lou: A genuine fun antique fun house mirror.

Angelica: (starts to cry) Mommy, Mommy! I just gotta tell the truth! The real truth! I busted up Aunt Didi's rigshaw puzzle. And I'm the one who ate Grandpa's candy. Yes! It was me! I did it! I broke the vase! It was all me! (Angelica sobbing)

Charlotte: There, there, baby! Calm down!

Tommy: See? She told us. She could tell the truth. And I thought she was lying.
