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A Dose of Dil Gallery Transcript

"A Dose of Dil" is an episode of Rugrats from Season 6.

Characters Present[]

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When Tommy feels neglected by his parents as they try to help out both his brother, Dil and the other Rugrats with all of their respective "boo-boos," will he find a way to get Stu and Didi's attention? Maybe, if only Angelica teaches him how to "act". - Description from Klasky Csupo


While Didi is trying to put some pink medicine cream on Dil, he is crying a lot in pain. It is revealed that Dil had his booster shot in his right index finger earlier at the doctor's office. Meanwhile, Tommy is trying to get Dil's attention by cheering him up with his smiling and finger movement and his game of peek-a-boo, and it works. Unfortunately, his attempt to get his little brother to pay attention to him is interrupted by Didi who didn't realize what Tommy was doing.

Stu volunteers to take Tommy outside with the other babies. While playing gas station with the babies, Angelica maliciously crashes her play car into the wall, while trying to run over her cousin, Tommy, and his friends, asking rudely for a lollipop. She pretends to be hurt by fake-crying, so she can get a lollipop from her aunt.

When Dil suddenly starts to cry again, Didi puts him in the musical baby swing to help Dil stop crying. However, the swinging motion, in turn, makes Chuckie throw up. After Stu gives Chuckie ginger ale in a sippy cup, he puts Dil in a stroller to take him for a walk around the neighborhood to help Dil with his pain.

Phil tries to pick at his scab on his knee but is stopped by Didi, who puts a band-aid on him. This causes Lil to fake-cry, claiming to be hurt and Didi puts a band-aid on her finger. Stu and Dil's walk around the neighborhood is cut short, because of Dil's inconsolable crying. Both Stu and Did are even more shocked to see Chuckie and the twins' attempts to get for their supposed boo-boos. Chuckie is getting more ginger ale, and the twins are crying for more attention. Although everything is chaotic, Stu stops to take note of Tommy's good behavior.

Since Tommy becomes upset over not getting attention, Angelica tries to teach him to "act" by claiming to be sick or hurt (or both) to get attention. However, he can't act convincingly, making Angelica feel dissatisfied over wasting her time. While Angelica complains over her constant need for another treat, she is told by Didi to wait as she tries to get Phil and Lil untangled in toilet paper. This prompts Angelica to complain even more over her need for cookies and ice cream. She even goes so far by claiming that she feels sick. As a result, she gets pulled away by Stu so he can take her temperature. 

When Dil sees Tommy crying for attention, Dil bounces in his kangaroo-like bouncer to cheer him up. However, Dil almost falls off his kangaroo bouncer, while attempting to get closer to Tommy. Then, Tommy rushes over to save him from getting hurt again. The brothers gave each other a hug, laughing with joy, and Tommy got attention for heroism. In the end of the story, Tommy realizes that he doesn't need to "act" either hurt or sick. That is why Dil is the only one who is always there to pay attention to him the whole time. Although the babies are happy again, Chuckie suddenly feels that he has to "go potty," after drinking too much ginger ale. Angelica, who is still having her temperature taken, most likely gets in trouble for obnoxiously and selfishly lying about being sick or hurt as well as the trouble she caused, namely making the babies do the same thing.


  • The Pickles family still uses the Reptar band-aids from "The First Cut".
  • This is the first episode that Angelica refers to her cousin Tommy by his last name, even though they're both related.
  • Moral: Lying about being sick or hurt never pays.