"Big Boy" Pickles was the imaginary younger brother of Angelica Pickles and the main antagonist in "Angelica's Worst Nightmare".
He only existed within her dream, who made "num-nums" out of her. He was portrayed as mean, and Angelica was clearly fearful of him.
He was a representation of Angelica's fear of not getting attention due to her baby brother. Whenever he appeared in a scene, he was bigger every time.
Being a manifestation of Angelica’s fear of a new baby taking her parents love and attention from her, he was selfish, entitled, possessive and cruel towards Angelica. He held no love for his older sister, proclaiming that he was the new baby and she was the old baby and threatening her into leaving. Even after their parents moved Angelica into the laundry room instead, he was still furious at her just for being around and attempted to beat her. As he grew bigger he became crueler, even going as far as to eat Angelica upon growing to giant size (even as Angelica was trying to leave the house).
He wore a blue shirt that said "Big Boy" and a diaper. He had a few hair pieces on his scalp, purple lips, and no teeth.
You can find "Big Boy" Pickles gallery here.
- Like Tommy Pickles ''Big Boy'' Pickles has a few of his hair pieces.
- He is serve as a boss in Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland.